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Sabtu, 8 Januari 2011

morning sickness kerr...everytime sickness?? hehee..


hr nie boring xtau nk watpe....
ptutnye gi attend majlis org kawen wit my parent in law...
tp keadaan dri aku plak xmengizinkan...

lately aku dh mula rase penig2,pitam n muntah (tp xkuar pape)
mungkin aku dh stat ber'alahan'...
smlm gi Empire Mall dgn hubby kt Subang tu...
pas2 ktorng jln kaki plak ke Subang Parade...
tetibe blh plak mate aku berpinar2 kt stu...
rase nk pitam pn ade...
pas2 hubby trus ajak blk...
tp sblm blk tu sempat gak tangkap baskin robin 1,keh3...

mase on the way blk tu aku mabuk2 dlm kete
Asek 'wek...wek..wek...' tp xkuar pape pn...
hubby risau n xsng duduk dia tgk aku cmtu..
aku mintak dia singgah petrol pam sat beli asam...
ble dh mkn asam tu baru la rase lega sket...

pas2 sampai2 je rmh aku trus terbaring atas katil...
aku mintak dia urut2kn kpale aku yg pening2 ni...
Alhamdulillah...lps hubby urut aku jd lega...
baby ngade2 ye nk papa urut jgk...
td mama urut sndri xmau elok plak...
hihi...ngade2 kn...

hmmm kla...
perut pn dh berbunyi2 ni...
aku teringin plak nk mkn Dominos...
terbayang2 pizza die yg rangup n nipis tu....nyum nyum...
hehehe...k la..Daaaa....

Khamis, 6 Januari 2011

Fetal Development in Pregnancy Week 4

                                My Baby Progress ::

By the end of this week the round and pointy ends of your little pear-shaped baby will be slightly more exaggerated and their body will look more like that of a miniature manatee. Despite your baby not looking particularly human without any eyes, ears or mouth, the earliest developments of what will become the larynx, internal ear, and eye lens are already forming, although you’d have to be a trained expert to recognize them for what they’re going to be in the future. Likewise, tiny bumps are forming on your little embryo which will eventually be their cute little arms, elbows, fingers, legs, knees and toes. What’s more your little swimmer will have a teeny tiny tail by the end of this week-- but don’t worry, it’s just the end of their developing spinal cord! A microscopic photo would reveal what seems to be their vertebrae filling out the spine and tail. Although they aren’t bones yet, but rather, the “bone seeds” that will give rise to your baby's tiny vertebrae, ribs and sternum.

And how's mom doing?

 This week is not unlike the previous weeks; your pregnancy symptoms may be increasing, as expected. In fact, the earliest symptoms of morning sickness may set in for some women at this time. The not-so-lovely symptoms run the normal flu gamut including: nausea and vomiting. Although this typically the whole reason for morning sickness: to clear your system of any toxic food by-products which—although fine for your adult stomach, could cause considerable harm to your baby’s newly forming digestive tract and other body systems occurs in the morning and resolves itself by midday, morning sickness can come at any time, day or night, so—for some of you, you’ll just have to make frequent stops throughout the day to kneel before the porcelain throne. In general, most pregnant women don’t experience morning sickness until their sixth week, but it never hurts to know what vomit-y fate may be awaiting you.

Morning sickness is due to several changes that are taking place in your body. First, you are now pumping out significantly larger amounts of estrogen and progesterone than normal, and your body is not used to this. Interactions between the hormones and your stomach result in the less-than-wonderful nausea. Also, your GI-tract is much more sensitive and some doctors theorize that this sensitivity is potentially the whole reason for morning sickness: to clear your system of any toxic food by-products which—although fine for your adult stomach, could cause considerable harm to your baby’s newly forming digestive tract and other body systems . If it helps, you could always think of the morning sickness as a baby-facilitated body cleanse.

Rabu, 5 Januari 2011

My pregnancy :: 4 weeks..

Skang kandungan aku dh berusia 4minggu @ 1 bulan...sgt la baru...aku dpt bnyk advise drpd rakan2 yg dh berpengalaman melalui saat2 mcm aku nie...time2 cmnie la aku dpt rase rmai org syg aku rupenye...mcm2 pesanan, nasihat n tips aku dpt...tak lupa juga ucapan tahniah drpd kwn2 di FB...thanks Guys...aku sgt terharu... =)

Buat mase ni aku takde ape2 alahan lg...just kdg2 perut rase tak sedap..stakat loya skit2 tu ade la tp blum tahap muntah...doctor pn ckp kndungan aku terlalu baru utk alami sume alahan...just get ready ble dh 3 mnths mula la mcm2 'skt' dtg...hope bdn aku kuat n takde la kena alahan yg teruk2...

Aku perlukan doa sume orng especially my husband n parents agar aku n baby sht n takde dpt alahan yg teruk & selamat smpai lepas bersalin...InsyaAllah...

Selasa, 4 Januari 2011

~ Mummy To Be ~ Anugerah Yg Paling Berharga Dlm Hidupku

Today aku nk share gud news dgn korang sume...berikut adalah kronologi sblm dpt tau aku pregnant...
23 Dis 2010
Pg2 lg mase kt opis perut aku rase skt memulas2....kejap dtg kjp hilang...pas2 aku dh tak tahan sgt aku call hubby...mintak tlg dia bwk kn aku gi klinik...dia dtg opis amik aku then tus bwk aku gi Klinik Britain kt Cheras...klinik ni dh jd mcm klinik panel family in law aku...mane taknye, ble tgk kt rekod kesihatan hubby aku, dr umr 3thun lg dia dh ade rekod kt klinik nie...tp mmg aku akui ubat dia elok...
23 Dis - 31 Dis 2010
Skt perut aku ade kurang sket tp kdg2 still rase xsdp...skt tu akn dtg around 7am-12pm...yg peliknye lps 12pm skt tu hlg...kpale aku pn stat rase pening2 n bdn lemah2...aku pn tak pasti nape bdn aku cmtu...tp kdg tu aku mls nk lynkn rase xsht tu sbbb mkin dilayan mkin menjadi2 plak dia...
1 Jan 2011
Hr cuti cmni biasenye ktorng laki bini mls nk bangkit awal2....lps smayang subuh je amik port blk...hehe...tp pg tu aku xtrase nk tdo sgt....sbb...mlm tu aku ade mimpi something...n mimpi tu rase mcm real sgt2....smpai tersentuh naluri keibuan aku ni...hehehe...aku mimpi aku bersalin...mase tu aku nmpk ade doctor, nurse, hubby....pas2 aku lahirkan baby...baby gurl...aku tak brape ingt rupa baby tu...tp rambut dia lebat.....
D'sbbkn mimpi tu jgk pg2 tu time hubby tgh tdo aku wat pregnancy test...ble celup je kt urine aku...huhh...1 line?? hmmm xpela....tp 3@4minit lps tu kuar plak lg 1 line...tp xterang...color pink2...aku ape lg...berlari2 ke arah hubby n kejut dia suh dia tgk...sah 2 line...tp line yg lg 1 tu blur...hubby aku just nsht aku jgn m'hrp lg...sbb period aku blum due lg...die sruh tggu 2@3 hr lg then gi klinik....hmmmm aku pn.....fine........
4 Jan 2011
Tetibe hubby ajak gi klinik memandangkan dh 3 hr aku xperiod lg...baru 3hr tp hubby kate xkshlah....lgpn dia ksian tgk aku asik xsht je then tido mlm pn meracau2....so lps hbs keje hubby amik aku kt opis then dia kate nk mamam mc'd dlu sbb lapar tak lunch...aku pn ngikut je ler...masuk je dlm mc'd tu tak tau nape aku terliur sgt2 tgk ayam goreng mc'd...mmg nk sgt2 la,hehehe...
Lps mkn kt mc'd Tun Hussin Onn tu ktorng trus gi Klinik Britain...tak ramai org time tu...ntah nape jantung aku berdegup kencang sgt...aku pn tak tau n tak faham prasaan ni....aku takut ke? nerves ke? ntah la.....ble name aku d'pggil aku pn msuk d'ikuti hubby d'blakang...pas2 trus ckp direct kt doctor nk wat pregnancy test...doctor bg bekas kck utk aku takung air kencing kt stu...pas2 dpn mate aku n hubby die titiskn air kencing aku ats test kit tu...dgn pantas n terangnye kuarla 2 line....pas2 doctor tnye date last period n die kira2 aku dh 4weeks pregnant n d'jangka bersalin 10 September 2011....
Alhamdulillah syukur sgt2 pd Allah SWT...rase nk menitis air mate ble dh dpt confirmation tu...patutla lately kesihatan aku slalu terganggu...nk dpt org baru rupenye...hehehe...
Now azam aku dh bertambah lg 1...nk jage kandungan n kesihatan baik2...moga2 aku slamat m'hdpi alam baru ni n baby n aku sht....doakan aku ye kwn2... =)
Lps ni aku akan update about my pregnancy week by week...Daaaaa...~~~

Isnin, 3 Januari 2011

~Azam Tahun Baru 2011~


Today aku just nk share dgn korang sume psl azam baru aku...azam aku totally changed n x same langsung dgn yg sblm2 nie...yela dulu azam time berstatus single...skang dh jd wife org n xlame lg mak org plak... ;P .... hihihi

Azam aku tahun ini adalah ::

1) Nk jd seorng yg sentiasa positif & buang negatif yg ade dlm diri ni

2) Nk jd isteri, anak & ibu yg solehah, baik & taat pd suruhan Allah.

3) Nk jd seorng yg cekal, tabah & berdikari menghadapi kehidupan.

4) Nk jd seorng yg pemaaf

5) Nk jd seorng yg penyabar

6) Nk jd seorng yg suka senyum sbb senyuman itu adalah sedekah & bisa meruntuhkan hati
yg sdg marah.

7) Nk jd seorng yg sehat mental & fizikal

8) Nk jd seorng pekerja yg rajin & tekun melaksanakan tugasan

9) Nk meningkatkan kualiti kerja.

10) Nk jd org yg bnyk wang... ;P

Thats all yg aku nk ubah dlm tahun ni n hope ape yg aku impikan ni akan berjaya...hehe...Now dh 2011 kn...so kte tutup buku lama then buka buku baru....lupakan segala yg pahit 2010 & just tinggalkan memori utk yg manis2 sahaja...ok ye kwn2...disini aku nk mintak maaf kpd sume if ade kelakuan aku yg menyakitkan hati korang k...N aku jugak memaafkan korang...Ok 0 - 0 ye... ;)

Nmpaknye smpai sini sajelah entry utk hr nie...aku pn dh start nk wat keje nie...if anything yg best aku cite k...Daaaa..~~~